Public transportation (trains, planes, buses, taxis)
The recent outbreak of bed bugs in their numbers has left many people alert and alarmed. The recent trends in the increase in bed bugs

Military barracks
When it comes to bed Bugs, even the armed forces aren’t safe. Bed bugs are no respecters of any military personnel irrespective of their rank.

Rental Car Agencies
It sounds funny that Cars can be thriving spots for bed bugs but that is the reality. Apartments and buildings aren’t the only breeding grounds

Colleges & Universities
Halls of residence at schools, campuses of colleges or universities have various types of shared areas such as a dormitory, hostels, laundry rooms, libraries, classrooms

Grade School Classrooms & Teachers
Schools are not naturally a common hunting ground for bed bugs but with the influx of more students trooping into schools in their numbers, chances

Food and Beverage Facilities
Restaurants are not free from the tyranny of bed bugs. The news of bed bugs infestation in restaurants is often kept under wraps because restaurant